Rape is a very sensitive subject that has been prevalent in American for an extended amount of time. More specifically since slavery. This is what makes this subject even more important to me. Because of my African
heritage (I am African American) this without a doubt effected my ancestors; this is also the one of the points in time were such a horrendous crime could not be documented because of the race of the victim. As a consequence this it is still an ongoing crime that doesn't always get documented and results in the rapist apprehend. I feel that the only way to lower the rates of rape is for the police to follow completely through on each rape case. Considering that a rapist doesnt not rape just onces and stops. No one deserves to not be served their piece of justice therefore to actually empower the phrase "justice for all" there actually has to be justice FOR ALL. My counterparts might say "the police do not have time to for through a rape case for each individual that is raped". My rebuttal to that would be I know that police have a heavy work load with all the crime that continuously happens in their communities. However not every police has to work on these particularly cases. They could have a set team just like they have for homicides, suicides, arson, and forensics. This is just one way to lower the rate in my opinion there could be various ways that this crime rate could be lowered.
Rape is a horrible dead that needs to be dealt with and anyone who has done this should be brought to justice.